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I have halitosis. What can I do?

October 25th, 2016

Halitosis is the fancy, scientific word for “bad breath.” Dr. Byron Diehl and our team know there are several reasons why you may have halitosis; let’s look at a few:

  • Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) – There are five main types of gum disease, and each one can range from mild to severe. For example the most common one is gingivitis; it is caused by bacteria in the plaque that has been allowed to build up, usually as a result of poor oral hygiene. A more serious and uncommon type of gum disease is called necrotizing periodontal disease. It is most common in people who have a suppressed immune system.
  • Smoking
  • Dry Mouth – This can be caused by something as simple as a medication you take.
  • Food – Of course, if you eat something that is potent like garlic, it is going to give you bad breath.
  • Diseases of the Body – Some diseases such as sinus infections and diabetes, among a few other types of infections, can also cause you to have halitosis.

How to Get Rid of Halitosis

The most obvious answer to how to get rid of halitosis is to practice good oral hygiene, although, depending on the cause of halitosis it may not be that simple. If you have an infection that is causing the halitosis then you may need an antibiotic to clear up the infection and then the bad breath will go away. Here are more tips:

  • Brush your teeth after every meal and before bed.
  • Floss your teeth. The more plaque you get out of your teeth, the better chance you have of not getting cavities or bad breath.
  • Address any medical conditions that are not related to your teeth that can be causing the halitosis.
  • Ask Dr. Byron Diehl for a prescription mouthwash that kills bacteria.

Halitosis (bad breath) can be an embarrassing condition to live with, but there are plenty of ways to get rid of it permanently. Start by talking to a member of our team at our Redlands, CA office.

Damon® Smile Benefits

October 18th, 2016

Braces have come a long way over the years. In the past, tooth removal was common, palatial expanders were the norm, and headgear and rubber bands were necessary evils to get the desired results. Damon Smile self-ligating braces have made those things distant memories.

Despite the competition from other clear braces and aligners, Damon has a proven track record, and the results of a side-by-side comparison between conventional braces and Damon braces were published in the journal Clinical Impressions.

The Study

The comparative study tracked orthodontic care of 132 patients, six of whom were treated with Damon Smile, and 66 of whom got traditional braces. The study also looked at treatment times (meaning the total length of time the patients wore braces,) the number of appointments they had, the quality of the results, and patient comfort.

The Results

Length of Time Wearing Braces: The researchers found that the patients who wore Damon Smile braces wore them for an average of 7.2 months less than the traditional brace-wearing patients.

Number of Appointments: Damon patients had an average of 47.8 percent fewer appointments.

Time Needed for Leveling and Aligning: Damon patients only needed 3.2 months for leveling and aligning, while traditional brace participants needed six months. That means the Damon participants required 46.7 percent less time.

Comfort Level: Damon wearers experienced 60 percent less discomfort than traditional brace wearers.

Results: Damon results were consistently excellent, with a score of 3.6 on a 4-point scale.

Other Benefits

  • Damon Smile braces use a proprietary technology called self-ligation. That means there is no need for the elastic or metal ties that are part of traditional brace therapy. The absence of any kind of ties means that patients don't have to have their braces tightened.
  • Damon high-tech lightweight memory wires work faster, so patients don't have to wear braces as long as they would with traditional braces. Memory wire technology also reduces the need for frequent adjustments at our Redlands, CA office.
  • A slide mechanism holds wires in place, but allows for freer tooth movement.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of Damon Smile braces is that, without the ties, patients are far more willing to comply with a more time-consuming oral hygiene regime. More thorough brushing, easier flossing, and less general tension in the mouth mean that better oral hygiene lessens plaque build-up, while helping patients keep their mouths healthier and cavity-free during the time they wear braces.

Greater self-confidence and improved self-esteem have the potential to change lives. And a healthy mouth and an attractive smile can do that! Ask Dr. Byron Diehl if Damon Smile is right for you!

I brush my teeth regularly. Why do I need to floss?

October 11th, 2016

Brushing your teeth regularly is one of the most crucial parts of maintaining good oral health, and perhaps the most fundamental, however, there are also other elements involved. Flossing, for instance, is also vital; some experts would say, and Dr. Byron Diehl and our team would agree, that it holds just as much importance as brushing your teeth. To give you a better idea of why, here are some reasons that flossing is so vital to your oral health.

Getting in-between the Teeth

While brushing your teeth effectively cleans all of the areas of your teeth that are visible, or otherwise not touching, flossing is vital because it reaches all of the areas between your teeth that you cannot see, and subsequently cannot clean using a toothbrush. These areas are among the most sensitive and vulnerable parts of your mouth because they are most susceptible to plaque and tartar buildup.

Reducing Bad Breath

It is not uncommon for someone who brushes their teeth once or twice a day to still have bad breath. The reason being is that bad breath is often created by smelly bacteria that lives in between your teeth, as well as other areas of your mouth that are not accessible using a toothbrush. And that is why flossing is one of the best ways to reduce or eliminate bad breath. Still skeptical? Try flossing your teeth with unscented floss, then smell it after, that awful scent is the source of your bad breath. Coupled with frequent brushing of your teeth, you will find that flossing can really help that stinky breath.

Brushing your teeth twice a day is hard enough, add flossing on top and it can be difficult to establish a regular habit. However, doing so is totally worth it; just look at the aforementioned reasons why. Use these for motivation the next time you don’t feel like flossing, and let us know if it worked at your next visit to our Redlands, CA office.

Halloween Guidelines from the American Association of Orthodontists

October 4th, 2016

Fall can be a really enjoyable time of the year for you and your family. The kids are back in school, the leaves are changing, and Halloween approaches. This holiday is a lot of fun for kids, but Diehl Orthodontics wants to remind you it can also be risky, especially for your child’s braces. If you have kids with braces, take a look at the following tips from the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) on how to keep your kids and their teeth safe this Halloween season.

Important Safety Tips

Trick-or-treating is a favorite Halloween activity for kids everywhere. While it is a great holiday tradition for children, it comes with some potential risks. To keep your kids safe while trick-or-treating, try following these simple guidelines:

  • If you have young children, make sure they are accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • You or your kids should always carry flashlights.
  • For costumes, try to include a light-colored or reflective element that can be easily seen by oncoming traffic.
  • Avoid costumes that include a mask, especially for younger children. These can pose a safety hazard for both the wearers and the people around them.
  • Tell your kids not to eat any of their candy until they arrive home. Be sure to inspect all treats carefully before letting them dig in.

Following these guidelines can help you keep your kids safe on Halloween.

Halloween Treats to Avoid if Your Child Has Braces

If your kids have braces, you’ll want them to steer clear of certain treats on Halloween. Many candies can cause damage to braces, so it’s wise to avoid them while you’re celebrating this fun holiday. Here is a list of treats to stay away from:

  • Hard candies
  • Chewy candies
  • Nuts
  • Caramel
  • Licorice
  • Jelly beans
  • Taffy
  • Bubblegum
  • Hard pretzels
  • Popcorn

Some of these treats may seem harmless, but all of them have the potential to bend or break your child’s braces. So it’s best to avoid eating them altogether.

Braces-Friendly Halloween Treats

If your children have braces, they may feel like they can’t enjoy any treats on Halloween. However, there are plenty of braces-safe treat options for them to choose from, including the following:


  • Soft chocolate
  • Peanut butter cups
  • Gelatin treats
  • Ice cream
  • Smoothies
  • Root beer floats
  • Apple cider

These are just a few braces-friendly alternatives to traditional Halloween candy. Helping your kids have a fun and safe Halloween—while at the same time protecting their braces—can be easy if you follow these simple tips and guidelines. Help your kids enjoy the holiday without having to visit Dr. Byron Diehl for repair work on damaged braces!